Citizen Cast
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"Together, we are the voice of liberty that keeps the evil at bay!"

Citizen journalism - sharing the stories, news & hot topics of real patriots.
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September 25, 2024

Over 250 great gamers on @rumblevideo

Come check them out
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Why are Soldiers dying?

937% increase in military personnel that got the 💉
152% increase in cardiomyopathy
62% increase in pulmonary heart disease

What's killing our soldiers?!

September 21, 2023
We Move As One

On Sept 20 2023 Canada had another massive protest that most of MSM ignored or tried to downplay it as a small gathering of the fringe minority. It was none of those things.

People, parents from all backgrounds, faiths and up bringing came together across the country to tell politicians and elites to leave their kids alone!

Enough of the sick and evil trans Indoctrination.

They were united for one cause, for one purpose only... To keep their children safe, sane and whole.

Every person around the world has another opportunity to join in this cause on Sept 23 2023 as the protests continue through the World Wide Freedom Rally!
#WeWillAllBeThere #WWFR

More as one!!!

September 19, 2023
Sometimes it's okay to be...

@RealAlexJones was Right - #CitizenCast
Had to restart the stream...


The Lumpday has started!
WAKE UP gamers and get in here...
#CitizenGaming #CitizenCast
Happy Lump Day! - #RumbleTakeover


America - Worth Saving... Aaron Russo #CitizenCast #InfoWakening

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